The Windrush dropped anchor at Grassy Bay on June 8 and spent a few days in Bermuda before it headed to Tilbury Docks in London.

The 1609 voyage from Plymouth England to Virginia in the Americas is a captivating subject for any teacher and student of history.

Efs is learning that links knowledge, inquiry, and action to help students build a healthy future for their communities and the planet.

The History of Mary Prince (1831), was the first account of the life of a black woman to be published in the United Kingdom.

Mathematics mastery is an approach to mathematics education which is based on mastery learning in which students are expected to achieve a high level.

Bermuda makes an excellent case study for Geography on a numbers of levels. This remote Atlantic island is defined by human and pysical Geography like no other.

Cambridge International's Global Perspectives Curriculumn offers a very holistic approach to the study of contemporary issues.

Sharing STEM with young people is partly encouraging children to do what they used to do in a pre-digital world.

Using animation to develop pupils’ confidence and competence in spoken language and written skills .