Category: Learning

September 8, 2018 Island Teacher

One of the first environmental books I read was Pollution and the Death of Man: The Christian View of Ecology, by the renowned author and thinker Francis Schaeffer. I was given an old yellowed copy of the book about 30 years ago.   At the time of writing his book back in…

August 25, 2018 Island Teacher No comments exist

Employers are often bemoaning the fact that many young people entering the marketplace do not have enough personal resilience to see a task through when they get stuck or enter a challenging longer collaborative group project. In one sense, these kinds of learning opportunities are not so much measuring knowledge…

August 19, 2018 Island Teacher No comments exist

In education, scaffolding refers to a variety of instructional techniques used to move students progressively toward stronger understanding and, ultimately, greater independence in the learning process. The website Edutopia has some excellent ideas about scaffolding put forward by Rebecca Alber. Edutopia Scaffolding ideas [thumb link=”true” size=”lg”][/thumb] [embedyt][/embedyt]