The first meeting of the wellbeing team included some hard truths. Each attendee was honest about how they felt.
Schools like any organisation must be able to offer space for honest reflection. You can not start a journey towards excellence until you first look around and take stock of where you are as a team. Organisational self-awareness is a key ingredient and an indicator of the potential capacity to change and improve.
The teaching team is one the most valuable aspects of the school. They are part of the vital ingredients to any organisational change for the better. Unless the teachers feel like they are winning, they are unlikely to be able to enjoy their potential. However, it isn’t about winning, but about building a team that has longevity, sustainability and enjoys their job. These are quite aspirational aims, but out of these kinds of ideas comes the success. Too often, school leaders want to import excellence without rolling up their sleeves and creating it.
Wellbeing is fundamental to creating and releasing each person’s potential. Imagine a school that could release the amazing potential within its own community of stakeholders.
It seems it is time to start looking at wellbeing and not just as a paper or electronic policy. Getting wellbeing right could be the biggest weapon we have in our school improvement arsenal.
The link below provides a useful case study on one school’s approach.
Prioritising staff happiness at work has led to a marked improvement in our school’s Ofsted grade – and a new harmony in the staffroom
Every school needs a staff wellbeing team – here’s how to start one