Why Is History Teaching So Important?

Simon Schama, the historian, has placed particular stress on the importance of teaching history in reaching children with their attendant modern distractions:

Who is it that needs history the most?

Our children, of course: the generations who will either pass on the memory of our disputatious liberty or be not much bovvered about the doings of obscure ancestors and go back to Facebook for an hour or four. Unless they can be won to history, their imagination will be held hostage in the cage of eternal Now: the flickering instant that‘s gone as soon as it has arrived. They will thus remain, as Cicero warned, permanent children, forever innocent of whence they have come and correspondingly unconcerned or, worse, fatalistic about where they might end up.

Mary Prince

Mary Prince

Mary Prince was born in 1788, to an enslaved family in Bermuda. She was sold to a number of brutal owners and suffered from terrible treatment. Read more

Teaching Slavery

Teaching Slavery

Slavery has played a huge role in our history and our contemporary life, the pieces still feel discrete, never stitched together into a cohesive whole.  There are some interesting approaches to address this.  Read more
George Somers

Voyage to Virginia

The 1609 wreck of a Jamestown-bound ship Sea Venture offers a gripping sea adventure from the earliest days of American colonisation.  The Bermuda shipwreck is of huge significance. Read more
History pedagogy

History Pedagogy

The History pedagogy section aims to develop knowledge, practice and policy in the teaching and learning of History in educational contexts, with a particular emphasis on history teachers’ professional learning. Read more

Cross Curricular History

Cross-curricular history work offers a creative way to develop children's knowledge, skills and understanding while motivating them to learn through stimulating, interconnected topics. Read more
history teaching and technology

Using Technology and History

Access to history has expanded, students today have learning opportunities that have never been possible before.  Today students have the ability to view and read historical documents first hand, ‘interact’ with historical characters, and observe the events of the past through the eyes of the children who lived it.    Thanks to technology, students can be truly engaged in the stories of history. Read more